The Multifaceted Maternal Heart
Speaking from the outside as an astounded observer
not having the benefit of insider information
I stand in awe of the strength and elasticity
exhibited in that magnificent marvel of the
multifaceted maternal heart which “bears all things,
believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
Eve’s joy outweighed the pangs of childbearing
as she watched her boys grow to manhood
until overshadowed by the unspeakable pain
brought about by bloodshed in un-brotherly rage.
Such grief manifests repeatedly in mother’s hearts today,
resilient voices raised to demand: “This must end!”
Sarah’s Laughter led to Hagar’s tears,
the sight of happy playmates fomenting fears,
unleashing a separate and most unequal future.
Pray and work so the desperate cries of refugee mothers
result in wells to refresh parched palates in the world now
and a table is spread so all may enjoy the earth’s bounty.
Hannah’s prayers from a bruised and broken heart
heard on high inspired a sacrificial gift of gratitude-
providing a leader who spoke truth to power.
With trusting heart the nameless widow fed Elijah,
sat bedside vigil with a son given up for dead-
erupted in praise as her son lived to see another sunrise.
From the quiet pondering of mother Mary beside the manger
to the bold request of the Thunder Brother’s mother;
From the wailing heard over cradles in Egypt and Bethlehem
to the clever persistence of a Gentile mother seeking her daughter’s healing;
In the steady instruction of Lois and Eunice and the generous stitches of Dorcas,
the many of faces of love are seen and heard and felt deeply.
Down through the ages, we who are children of God
have been blessed by those who birthed us and burped us,
wiped us clean, dried our tears, and trained us in the way we should go.
Whether the maternal heart beats by birth, by adoption, or by marriage
we are who we are thanks to pains endured, lessons shared, forgiveness offered
prayers prayed, and sacrifices made, all wrapped up in a gift called love.
(c) 2021
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