Saturday, May 22, 2021


Given, Taken, Blessed

“…the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”[i]
Words attributed to Job after a series of world-changing losses
Words which popped into my head as I sat in my summer morning spot
in the distance a hazy western sky
in the foreground a Red Maple tree
that requires yearly trimming to stem its insistence
on overhanging porch and roof.

Prominent in my line of sight is the scar
of some previous year’s pruning
to eliminate a branch grown too close to my Adirondack perch
obscuring my view or the yard and road and growing woodlot beyond.
Two inches from the silver dollar sized scar
a branch lifts heavenward.
Three inches more and a tiny, tender, slender stem has sprouted
yielding three more stems smaller still
each with a five-lobed deep red leaf.
An ending and a beginning side by side--
a message received
at the end of a week marked by endings
and the celebration of beginnings,
in the counting of blessings
delivered through it all.

Standing beside a coffin
to speak words of appreciation to a widow and a daughter,
telling grandchildren of “good trouble” shared across the years
bearing witness to Resurrection’s promises--
an ending and beginning side by side.
Sitting after sunset
surrounded by friends enjoying a last (for now) evening
eating, drinking, and making merry
sharing stories filled with love and laugher, trial and triumph
Sadness and joy mix
as a moving van will separate my many miles.
New adventures await those who go and those who remain.
Endings and beginnings.
Blessed Friendships.
“Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

[i] Job 1. 21                                                                                                                                                        

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