Saturday, March 6, 2021


Another 2021 Lament

Good Shepherd of every far-flung flock:

Unlike mingled sheep visible on rolling hills in pastoral peacefulness,
with only colorful bursts of dye to proclaim to whom they belong,
our landscape is marred by dangerous divisions
armed with sharp slogans emblazoned on T-shirts, hats and flags.

Unwilling to transform principled words into practical acts of mercy
the haves conspire to prevent the have-nots from having enough;
the powerful plot to expand their power over the powerless;
the fortunate few work to preserve the misfortune of the unfortunate.

Unable to accept that you care for and provide sustenance for all that draw breath,
fences keep some from the gifts meant for all,
walls prevent those with plenty from sharing with those in want,
resources are stockpiled and guarded instead of disbursed and distributed.

Let your footsteps shake the ground of your garden all day long, O God.
Let your voice be heard by those who hide from you in the shadows.
Let your power to create and transform loose to provide yet another restart.
Let your will be known and done here and now on earth as it is in heaven.

Trusting you hear us when we pray, we listen for your answer.
Knowing you will ask us to be part of the solutions we seek
We ask for wisdom and courage to speak and to live as you have taught us,
Confident your Holy Spirit will provide our words and guide our steps.


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