Easily Spoken But Hard to Live By
None of my tears were shed
at the news that a strident voice
was forever silenced.
Last time I heard it
I was buying parts to repair a sink drain.
The store echoed with venom
spewed from radio speakers
spreading spurious lies
in the fertile soil of ears of damaged hearts
tuned with reverence to that frequency.
Though they should not have been
my eyes were soon surprised
at what quickly appeared
on screens large and small.
Words dripping with scorn
gleefully piled up like rotting flowers
on a grave yet to be dug
following the example set
by the one their words
were meant to vilify.
Tears of sadness welled up
as my heart was brought down
in recognition of what we’ve really lost.
Mountaintop words to live and love by
“In everything do to others as you would have them do to you”*
ignored or worse, subverted:
In everything do to others as they have done to you.
Never get mad, just get even!
The downward spiral imperils us
and challenges us to embrace the upward way.
To go low or go high
that is the question.
To live what we too easily proclaim
that is the challenge.
To rise above our childish inclinations
that is the way Jesus trains us to go.
“Do not repay anyone evil for evil,
but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.
If it is possible, so far as it depends on you,
live peaceably with all.”**
*Matthew 7. 12, NRSV **Romans
12. 17-18, NRSV
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